Dear Pupils,
This LINK is for You to have an interactive explanation about what Phrasal Verbs are.
I hope You enjoy it!
Teach Jon.
miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013
martes, 19 de marzo de 2013
lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013
Este es el orden que se debe seguir:
1 opinión /valor delicious, wonderful, nice...
2 tamaño y longitud huge, short, large, small ...
3 edad / temperatura new, old, hot ...
4 forma y superficie round, fat, thin ...
5 color red, black ...
6 origen Spanish, American, Victorian ...
7 material silver, cotton, paper, iron ...
8 uso electric, political
9 nombre bath (towel)
Ex: Many nice, huge, old, cubic, green, Japanese, pottery vases.
Este es el orden que se debe seguir:
1 opinión /valor delicious, wonderful, nice...
2 tamaño y longitud huge, short, large, small ...
3 edad / temperatura new, old, hot ...
4 forma y superficie round, fat, thin ...
5 color red, black ...
6 origen Spanish, American, Victorian ...
7 material silver, cotton, paper, iron ...
8 uso electric, political
9 nombre bath (towel)
Ex: Many nice, huge, old, cubic, green, Japanese, pottery vases.
martes, 12 de marzo de 2013
City Parts - Vocabulary
airport (érport) - aeropuerto
art gallery (árt gáleri) - galería de arte
arts center (árts sénter) - centro cultural
avenue (áveniu) - avenida
bank (bank) - banco
bar (bar) - bar
bicycle (báisikl) - bicicleta
boarding house (bórding háus) - pensión, casa de huéspedes
bookstall (búuk stol) - kiosco, puesto de libros
botanical garden (botánical garden) - jardín botánico
boulevard (búlevard) - bulevar
bridge (brídch) - puente
building site (bílding sáit) - obra en construcción
buildings (bíldings) - edificios
bus (bas) - autobús
bus station (bas stéishon) - estación de autobuses
bus stop (bás stop) - parada de autobús
castle (kásl) - castillo
cathedral (kazídral) - catedral
cemetery (sémeteri) - cementerio
church (chéerch) - iglesia
circus (sérkes) - circo
city hall (síti hól) - ayuntamiento, municipalidad
clock (klók) - reloj
consulate (cónsulet) - consulado
corner (córner) - esquina
crossroads (cróssróuds) - cruce
crosswalk (cróssuók) - paso de peatones
cul-de-sac (kóldesác) - callejón sin salida
curb (kéerb) - bordillo de la acera
department store (dipártment stór) - grandes almacenes
district (dístrict) - barrio, distrito
ditch (dích) - zanja
downtown (dáun táun) - centro de la ciudad
drugstore (drágstor) - farmacia
embassy (émbasi) - embajada
fire brigade (fáier briguéid) - cuerpo de bomberos
fountain (fáunten) - fuente
gutter (gáter) - alcantarilla, cuneta
hairdresser's (héerdrésers) - peluquería
highway (hái uei) - autopista
hospital (hóspital) - hospital
hostel (hóstel) - hostal
hotel (houtél) - hotel
house (háus) - casa
information office (informéshon ófis) - oficina de información
inhabitant (in hábitant) - habitante
lane (léin) - callejón
laundromat (lóndromat) - lavadero automático
lawcourt (lóokort) - tribunal
library (láibrari) - biblioteca
litter (líter) - basura
mail box (méil box) - buzón de correos
market (márket) - mercado
monument (móniument) - monumento
mosque (mósk) - mezquita
motorcycle (móutorsáikl) - motocicleta
motorists (móutorists) - automovilistas
movie theater (múvi zíater) - cine
museum (miussíom) - museo
neighborhood (néiborjúud) - barrio, distrito
neon signs (nión sáins) - letreros luminosos
newspaper stand (niúspeiper stánd) - quiosco de periódicos
night club (náit klab) - club nocturno
old people's home (óuld pipls jóum) - asilo de ancianos
orphanage (órfanidch) - orfanato
outskirts (áut skerts) - afueras de la ciudad
palace (pálas) - palacio
park (párk) - parque
parking lot (párking lót) - aparcamiento
passage (pásidch) - pasaje
passer-by (páser bái) - transeúnte
pedestrian (pedéstrian) - peatón
pedestrian zone (pedéstrian zóun) - zona peatonal
phone booth (fóun búuz) - cabina telefónica
police station (polís stéishon) - comisaría
port (pórt) - puerto
post office (póust ófis) - oficina de correos
prison (príson) - cárcel
promenade (prómeneid) - paseo
railroad station (réilroud stéishon) - estación de ferrocarril
restaurant (réstorant) - restaurante
ring road (ríng róud) - carretera de circunvalación
road (róud) - camino, carretera
school (skúul) - escuela, colegio
sewers (súers) - cloacas
shop (shóp) - tienda
shop windows (shóp uíndous) - escaparates
shopping mall (shóping móol) - centro comercial
sidewalk (sáid uok) - acera
skyscraper (skáiskréiper) - rascacielos
slums (sláms) - barrio bajo
square (skuéar) - plaza
stadium (stéidiom) - estadio
statue (státchiu) - estatua
stock exchange (stók ekschéindch) - la bolsa de valores
street (stríit) - calle
streetcar (stíitcar) - tranvía
streetlamps (stríit lámps) - faroles de calle
suburbs (sáborbs) - las afueras de la ciudad
subway (sáb-uei) - metro, tren subterráneo
subway station (sáb-uéi stéishon) - estación de metro
synagogue (sínagog) - sinagoga
taxi cab (táksi cáb) - taxi
telephones (télefóuns) - teléfonos
theatre (zíater) - teatro
tourist (túrist) - turista
tourist office (túrist ófis) - oficina de turismo
townspeople (táunsspípl) - habitantes de la ciudad
traffic (tráfik) - tráfico, circulación
traffic light (tráfic láit) - semáforo
traffic policeman (tráfik polísman) - policía de tránsito
tramp (trámp) - vagabundo, mendigo
trashcan (trásh can) - papelera
travel agency (trável éidchensi) - agencia de viajes
trees (tríis) - árboles
truck (trák) - camión
tunnel (tánel) - túnel
university (iunivérsiti) - universidad
zoo (súu) - zoológico
domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013
Countable and Uncountable Nouns , by
Find this and other countables - uncountables exercises in English Exercises .org
Find this and other countables - uncountables exercises in English Exercises .org
Holiday activities - vocabulary, by MadziaDM
Find this and other holidays exercises in English Exercises .org
Find this and other holidays exercises in English Exercises .org
lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012
English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions
Descriptions of people
(personality - character - appearance)
(page 2: call a spade → down to
call a spade a spade | A person who calls a spade a spade
speaks openly and truthfully about
something, especially difficult matters. What I like about the new manager is that he calls a spade a spade - it makes things so much easier for everyone. |
fat cat | To refer to a rich and powerful person
as a fat cat
means that you disapprove of the way they
use their money or power. The place was full of fat cats on their big yachts. |
cat's whiskers (also: cat's pyjamas) |
This expression refers to someone who
considers themselves to be better than others in a particular area : beauty, competence, intelligence, sport, etc. Ever since she got a promotion, she thinks she's the cat's whiskers! |
chip off the old block | A person who is a
chip off the old block
resembles one of their parents in
appearance, character or behaviour. James is a chip off the old block - he reacts the same way as his father. |
class act |
To say that someone, for example an athlete
or entertainer, is a class act
means that they are very good at what they
do. Her career is just beginning but she's already a class act. |
cog in the machine | If you say that
someone is a cog in the machine,
you mean that, while they are necessary,
they only play a small part in an
organization or plan. The police quickly realized that the suspect was just a cog in the machine. |
couch potato | If you refer to someone as a couch
potato, you criticize them for spending
a lot of time sitting and watching
television. Don't be such a couch potato. There are better ways of spending your time than in front of the TV. |
not cut out for something | If you are not cut out for something,
you are not the sort of person to succeed or
be happy in a particular activity. I started studying medicing but I quickly realized I wasn't cut out for it. |
dead loss | Someone described as a
dead loss is absolutely useless or a
complete failure. When it comes to gardening, my brother is a dead loss. |
dead man walking | A dead man walking is someone
who will inevitably be in great trouble very
soon, especially a person who is about to
lose their job or position. Because of the way he handled the recent riots, the minister is a dead man walking. |
dog in the manger | A person referred to as a dog in the
manger is someone who stops others from
enjoying something he/she cannot use or
doesn't want. She hates the guitar so she won't allow her son to learn to play it - a real dog in the manger! |
doubting Thomas | A 'doubting Thomas' is a person who will
not believe something without proof, or
without seeing it for themselves. I had to show him my membership card. What a doubting Thomas! |
down at heel | A person who is
down-at-heel is someone whose
appearance is untidy or neglected because of
lack of money. The down-at-heel student I first met became a successful writer. |
down to earth | Somene who is
down to earth is not a dreamer but a
realistic and practical person who has
sensible reactions and expectations. Don't ask Suzy for help. She's fun, but not very down to earth. |
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